Love Local. Love #myMKY
The Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Love Local shared brand initiative. Loving local means you put your money where your heart our community. It means you spend at our local businesses and invest in our local people. We invite you to join the Chamber and our members in participating in this initiative!
Why should your business Love Local?
7 out of 10 people say they would support local businesses if they knew who they were. Don't assume everyone knows. Use the Love Local brand to tell them. Love Local is a shared brand initiative for Chamber members to work together to increase sales, visibility and overall awareness for our local businesses.
How your business can #LoveLocal
- Become a member of the Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce. We exist to help support your business!
- Complete the form below for access to download the Love Local shared brand images
- We have several variations of the logo for your business to choose from - utilize the graphics that will best fit your business and accomplish your goals
- Include the Love Local logo (and shared brand logos) in your marketing materials, advertisements, newsletters, email signatures and social media platforms
- Use the #myMKY and #LoveLocal hashtags so we can help promote the great things your business is doing
- Contact the Chamber about getting a Love Local poster
- Place your poster in your window, on your door or by your register
- Train your staff on what it means to Love Local so they can share the initiative with your customers