We are an advocate for our members. A voice for business.
We are a voice for business on a local, state and national level. We utilize our network to tackle challenges so our members can focus on running their business.
The Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce wants to lead on policies (not politics) that matter most to our members and their employees like workforce development, transportation, quality of life, and childcare to name a few. We provide opportunities for our members to be seen and heard through events and initiatives such as:
- Annual City/County Update Breakfast
- Calloway to the Capitol Visit
- West KY Thank You Night in Frankort, KY
- D.C. Fly-In
- Legislative updates with local, state & national officials
- Regional Community Partnerships including the West Kentucky Regional Chamber Alliance
- Yearly Legislative Priorities
- Public Policy Surveys

D.C. Fly-In
Held annually, our D.C. Fly-In connects community leaders with policy and decision makers in Washington on issues impacting our local Murray-Calloway County community. This is a two-day event with meetings with Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Rand Paul, Congressman James Comer, Congressman Andy Barr and others.

Calloway to the Capitol
Held in February annually, Calloway to the Capitol (C2C), connects community leaders with policy and decision makers in Frankfort on issues impacting our local Murray-Calloway County community. This is a full day event with meetings with the Governor's office, Cabinet Officials, our State Senator and State Representative, and other key influencers.

Legislative Preview
Held annually in December, the Legislative Preview breakfast serves to connect the Chamber's top investors with an intimate one-on-few setting with our State Representative, State Senator, and local business and community leaders. This breakfast is focused on the Chamber's public policy efforts and legislative priorities for the upcoming spring legislative session.

West Kentucky Regional Chamber Alliance

The West Kentucky Regional Chamber Alliance (WKRCA), a formal alliance of chambers of commerce in fourteen counties in far western Kentucky, was founded in 2008. Its purpose is to provide a unified voice for local businesses in the region and to serve as a catalyst for regional leadership and action, bringing together resources for legislative, educational, infrastructure and economic development advocacy.

West Kentucky Thank You Night
The Chamber Leadership Initiatives for Northwest Kentucky (C-LINK) and the West Kentucky Regional Chamber Alliance (WKRCA), representing 26 chambers of commerce in Western Kentucky.
The purpose of this event is to express our appreciation to the administration and House and Senate members for past, present, and future support for Western Kentucky’s projects and programs and to spotlight our region.
More than 350 community and business leaders attend this event, including members of the General Assembly, Cabinet officials and other dignitaries. Governor Andy Beshear was the keynote speaker in 2022.
Murray & Calloway County Elected Officials
While The Chamber serves as an independent membership organization, we are happy to have a working relationship with the elected officials of Murray and Calloway County. Learn more and contact our elected officials by visiting their respective sites below:

City of Murray
City Website & General Information
City Calendar
City Council Members
Starting a Business in Murray
Murray City Council meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Calloway County Fiscal Court
County Website & General Information
County Elected Officials
County Departments
County Boards & Commissions
Calloway County Fiscal Court Meetings are the third Wednesday of every month at 9 AM held at the Fiscal Court Building (Courthouse Annex) at 201 S. 4th Street.

City of Hazel
City of Hazel Information
Downtown Hazel Merchants
The Hazel City Council meets the first Monday each month at 7 p.m. at Hazel City Hall.
State & National Government Contacts
Kentucky General Assembly
Kentucky State Representative
Kentucky State Senator
Secretary of State Website
U.S. Congress
U.S. Senate
Advocacy Partners
- Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
- Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Executives
- West Kentucky Regional Chamber Alliance
- Murray-Calloway County Board of Realtors
- Murray-Calloway County Economic Development Corporation
- Murray Main Street Program
- Murray Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Calloway County Tourism Commission
Tips on Advocacy
- Locate who represents you and your organization
- Check out the calendars to find out when and where are upcoming meetings
- Find out what the language and status of of ordinances and bills, as well as existing statutes and laws
- Check out an elected official's voting history and/or committee membership
- Listen to live audio/video of government meetings or other activities or attend in Person
- Read about and listen to issues that are important to you and your organization in local media outlets
- Contact your local media directly or write letters-to-the-editor or guest columns about the issues that matter most to you and your organization
Become a Chamber Member!
Serving Our Members to Enhance Our Community